Source code for pypuppetdbquery.evaluator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pypuppetdbquery.
# Copyright © 2016  Chris Boot <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import dateutil.parser
import re

from . import ast

[docs]class Evaluator(object): """ Converts a :mod:`pypuppetdbquery.ast` Abstract Syntax Tree into a PuppetDB native AST query. """ #: Regular expression used when converting CamelCase class names to #: underscore_separated names. DECAMEL_RE = re.compile(r'(?!^)([A-Z]+)')
[docs] def evaluate(self, ast, mode='nodes'): """ Process a parsed PuppetDBQuery AST and return a PuppetDB AST. The resulting PuppetDB AST is a native Python list. It will need converting to JSON (using :func:`json.dumps`) before it can be used with PuppetDB. :param pypuppetdbquery.ast.Query ast: Root of the AST to evaulate :param str mode: PuppetDB endpoint to target :return: PuppetDB AST :rtype: list """ return self._visit(ast, [mode])
def _subquery(self, from_mode, to_mode, query): if from_mode == 'none': return query return ['in', 'certname', [ 'extract', 'certname', [ "select_{0}".format(to_mode), query]]] def _comparison(self, operator, left, right): if operator[0] == '!': return ['not', [operator[1], left, right]] else: return [operator, left, right] def _capitalize_class(self, name): return '::'.join([x.capitalize() for x in name.split('::')]) def _visit(self, node, path): if isinstance(node, list): return [self._visit(x, path) for x in node] # Convert CamelCase node class name to underscores klass = node.__class__.__name__ underscore = self.DECAMEL_RE.sub(r'_\1', klass).lower() visitor = getattr(self, '_visit_{0}'.format(underscore)) return visitor(node, path) def _visit_literal(self, node, path): return node.value def _visit_date(self, node, path): return dateutil.parser.parse(node.value).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') def _visit_query(self, node, path): if node.expression is None: return None else: return self._visit(node.expression, path) def _visit_and_expression(self, node, path): return ['and', self._visit(node.left, path), self._visit(node.right, path)] def _visit_or_expression(self, node, path): return ['or', self._visit(node.left, path), self._visit(node.right, path)] def _visit_not_expression(self, node, path): return ['not', self._visit(node.expression, path)] def _visit_parenthesized_expression(self, node, path): return self._visit(node.expression, path) def _visit_block_expression(self, node, path): return self._visit(node.expression, path) def _visit_comparison(self, node, path): left = self._visit(node.left, path) right = self._visit(node.right, path) if path[-1] == 'subquery': if len(left) == 1: left = left[0] return self._comparison(node.operator, left, right) elif path[-1] == 'resources': if left[0] == 'tag': return self._comparison( node.operator, left[0], right) else: return self._comparison( node.operator, ['parameter', left[0]], right) else: return self._subquery( path[-1], 'fact_contents', ['and', left, self._comparison(node.operator, 'value', right)]) def _visit_identifier(self, node, path): if path[-1] == 'regexp': return re.escape( else: return def _visit_regexp_identifier(self, node, path): return def _visit_identifier_path(self, node, path): if path[-1] in ['subquery', 'resources']: return self._visit(node.components, path) elif path[-1] == 'regexp': return '.'.join(self._visit(node.components, path)) else: # Check if any of the children are of regexp type in that case we # need to escape the others and use the ~> operator if any(isinstance(x, ast.RegexpIdentifier) for x in node.components): path.append('regexp') ret = ['~>', 'path', self._visit(node.components, path)] path.pop() return ret else: return ['=', 'path', self._visit(node.components, path)] def _visit_subquery(self, node, path): path.append('subquery') ret = self._subquery(path[-2], node.endpoint + 's', self._visit(node.expression, path)) path.pop() return ret def _visit_resource(self, node, path): path.append('resources') regexp = isinstance(node.title, ast.RegexpIdentifier) if not regexp and node.res_type.lower() == 'class': title = self._capitalize_class(self._visit(node.title, path)) else: title = self._visit(node.title, path) res_type = self._capitalize_class(node.res_type) query = [ 'and', ['=', 'type', res_type], ['~' if regexp else '=', 'title', title], ['=', 'exported', node.exported], ] if node.parameters: query.append(self._visit(node.parameters, path)) path.pop() return self._subquery(path[-1], 'resources', query) def _visit_regexp_node_match(self, node, path): path.append('regexp') ret = ['~', 'certname', re.escape(self._visit(node.value, path))] path.pop() return ret